
Re-imagine Capitalism

What is the purpose of social finance? And what do we want social finance to accomplish by the end of the decade? Let’s face it, capitalism needs major reimaging and rewiring. There are alternative economic models, currencies and marketplaces out there that are thriving but we seldom hear about. Are changemakers doing enough to create financial systems change? What are the inspiring innovations that are molding alternate and new versions of capitalism? In the closing plenary, changemakers  will be energized by a renewed vision for social finance and stimulated by extraordinary breakthroughs in finance that are creating a just, equitable and sustainable future.


Andrea Armeni

Co-Founder & Executive Director, Transform Finance

Indy Johar

Co-founder, DarkMatterLabs

Sandhya Nakhasi

Managing Director, Community Credit Lab and CF Investments

Carol Anne Hilton

Founder, Indigenomics Instititute

Yichen Feng

Managing Director, Centre for Economic Democracy

Stephanie Robertson

Board Chair, Social Value Canada

Vinod Rajasekaran (Moderator)

CEO & Publisher, Future of Good